Evidence of Community Outreach

Evidence of Community Outreach

Doing a community outreach is giving back what our community gives to us. As our community GNVHS molds us to be a good teacher in the near future. It is our time to give back to our cooperating school.

Our group of student teacher in GNVHS conducted a tree planting on the vicinity of the school. They talked to the concern people regarding this matter, and it is approved. Everyone of us need to provide one tree for the said event. We talked together what will happen, proceeds of the activity and plan where it will be planted.
Unfortunately, days before the tree planting activity I got sick. I need to take rest and went to under observation by doctor due to platelets breakdown. As my evidence of it were only a picture of a tree that is planted. I asked my co-student teacher to plant it for me, for I can’t make it due to sickness.

Those tree that we planted commemorates that once in a while were being part of the big community of Guiguinto National Vocational High School. 
